Last night, the leading cast members for the web series Lungs got together to chat about the upcoming season. Take a look at the photos featuring leads: Sam Creed, Damien Chinappi, Sean McDonough, and Judy Maloney. Producer Jan Waldman (also pictured below) and Creator Seth Chitwood led the meeting.
“We are very excited about the upcoming season. We have an awesome new cast, and a fantastic storyline that we cannot wait to start filming.” Creator Seth Chitwood said.
The fifth season will feature an entirely new cast of actors. It will also take place during the winter. However, more of the actual plot will be revealed in the upcoming months.
Earlier this month, it was announced that Chris Holliday, Denise Izzi, Mary C. Ferrara, Herb Fuchs, and Jennifer Antkowiak have also joined the cast. There will be more casting announcements being made later this week.
The series starts productions this weekend and plans to have a fall premiere. No word yet if this will be the series’ final season. If you want to get caught up on the journey, you can go to