In last night’s chilling episode of Family Problems; a masked group shows up at Maretto’s house and takes Elliot (Natasha Hatalsky), Hudson (John Samela), and Lilly (Avery Evans) hostage. The group seems to be led by a mysterious woman named Larissa (Mary C. Ferrara). She may not be the “leader” of the entire cult, but she definitely has rank. With only two episodes left of Season Four; the cult plays a big part in the rest of the series and its leader (which is mind-blowing in itself) will be revealed in the finale.

All we know about the cult is that Elliot believes they are linked to the shooting at the police station which led to her husband’s death. It’s also believed that this cult is somehow connected to Father Hamblin (Tony Ramos Wright) and his church.

Ferrara is not new to Angelwood Pictures. She played Moses’ abused-assistant, Katie, in the web series World’s Worst Director. She also played the villainous misunderstood sister of Hunter Jackson, Gloria, in the series Red Circles. She also made an appearance in the short film The Women of Harry. Ferrara also designs all the webpages for the Official Angelwood Pictures site. Now she’s back as the mysterious Larissa and right-hand to the cult’s leader.
Behind on the season? Get caught up before the finale here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHzeC6Lpe4QI6_Sq94uUEYMFBVwykZywP Who do you think is the leader of the cult? Tweet us your answers at @FamilyProblems1