Moses and the gang returns with all new episodes of “World’s Worst Director” May 12th! While you’re waiting, we have a few spoilers for the upcoming episodes:
There will be plenty of Moses (Seth Chitwood) this season! The season will air eight more episodes (thirteen total). The next three episodes are titled; “World’s Worst Flashback”, “World’s Worst Date Night”, and “World’s Worst Location”.

When the series returns, “World’s Worst Flashback”, features the very first day that the camera people have arrived at Moses’ house to film him. Coincidentally, this is the day that Moses and Penny (Erica Derrickson) have their ‘big’ fight. It’s the origin of why there is so many issues between them.
On Sunday the 19th, “World’s Worst Date Night”, features Moses on a date with someone he met in the park (Chris Goodwin). However (big surprise) the night doesn’t exactly start off as planned. Especially when Cherri (Kia Holiday) arrives just as his date comes to pick him up. Meanwhile, Katie (Mary Ferrara) decides to tell her boyfriend (Paul Collins) that she is pregnant.
Then, on Sunday May 26th, “World’s Worst Location”, will lead to someone being FIRED. Yes, someone gets fired! The cast takes a road trip to a location and are miserable from the ongoing bickering between Sharon (Mary Paolino) and Mason (Paul Kandarian). Meanwhile, Rachael (Jenna McGowan) remains at the house organizing a cupboard full of scripts for Moses. Who do you think will get the boot?

A few more things to look forward to: There is an episode about an insane stage mother coming, a Father’s Day episode (airing on June 16), and several big surprises will take place in the two-part season finale.
The season is full of twists, love, break-ups, firings, and plenty of yelling. Are you ready?