What did you think of the newest episode of Red Circles? I thought it came out well. Some very good performances this week from Kathy Sullivan (Emma) & Peter Morse (Tom) AND Corey Arruda (Sophie Arlington) & Susan T. Travers (Hannah Jones). I’M SO EXCITED TO HAVE SUSAN T. TRAVERS IN OUR CAST. This was her “first" episode and she rocked. She’s in the final four episodes of the season and in all of next season. I’m also excited to have Ava Caiola (Penny Jones) in the cast. She is a very talented child-actress. I filmed with them (and three other new actors in Season 3) on Sunday in Fairhaven, MA. They did a great job. I can’t tell you anything about the filming day, but just that it was a very cool shoot. Some very interesting shots and performances.
But, I thought the episode this week was great. The entire episode went back in forth from Arlington visiting her old partner, Jones AND the events that happened the day before Emma Waters’ husband died. I thought it was important to tell that part of the story. You meet Emma two years after her husband’s death in Season 1, so to be able to go back and tell that story was important, especially because it will be significant for the upcoming episodes.
Also, who knew Hunter Jackson could sing? What a creepy way to end the episode with the old "nazi-themed” song “Tomorrow Belongs To Me” from the Kander & Eb musical Cabaret. Mary Ferrara (Gloria) and Theresa Chiasson (Sarah) also sounded great. Originally, we had made plans to make Episode 17 a “Musical Episode” featuring a few performances by other actors, however we decided against it later on. However, we had already shot the scene with Hunter Jackson and Kane. Still, I thought it had a creepy vibe to it and so, I decided to have that scene with Sarah singing a lullaby to Bobby in the beginning of the episode to have that strange parallel to the final scene. I think it turned out well.
I’m so excited to finally be able to talk about the future of Kane. Yes, expect awesome scenes between Hunter Jackson and Kane in the final four episodes of the season. We haven’t seen much of Hunter at all this season, so finally he’s back and we’ll finally hear a little bit about his reasoning for what he does what he does. I guarantee a lot will happen, and also TONS of violence; Hunter will be beating the crap out of Kane.
Anyone sense that weird irony that Dr. Warren begins to accuse Kane for maybe being responsible for Officer Ron’s death and at the same time Kane’s being held hostage. Ironic? Don’t forget that Dr. Warren had a prior relationship/engagement to Officer Ron right before his death! That may explain why Warren was very emotional over her discoveries when telling Erics. Kane may be unavailable at the moment, but Warren’s realization won’t end there. This will come into play later…
Arlington, Jones, and Penny are heading back to Rhode Island at the end of this episode. We took a little break from the “present” case, but don’t worry, there’s new information and discoveries waiting for them. Did you miss Agent Thomas and Agent Simmons this week? I did. Elizabeth wasn’t there either, but again, they haven’t gone anywhere. Jones has no idea what she is driving towards!
We’re taking a two week break then returning with the FINAL FOUR EPISODES of the season. If you didn’t watch this week’s episode, check it out at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-vtWfqDXEw&feature=related
That’s all for Red Circles.